New year, small changes

The new year can bring a flurry of motivation for a “new me” in the areas of physical, emotional and financial health. This year, remember that small, specific changes can be a sustainable way to see big change over time. Often, this initial burst of energy to “fix” ourselves can lead to burnout, discouragement or even injury. A slow, steady path can help to keep your momentum going, seeing small wins and building confidence over time. For exercise goals, think in terms of small, frequent intervals of movement rather than long sessions at the gym.

Expecting the inevitable missteps and greeting them with compassion will allow you to get back on track quickly. Didn’t move too much today? Try saying, “Change is hard. We can keep going” instead of harsh self-criticism.

What is important to you? Use those values as your carrot, instead of making changes to avoid the stick. Instead of saying “I want to lose weight”, reframe your goal into a plan that moves you toward your value: “I want to feel stronger when I’m playing with my kids because physical fitness is important to me.”

Happy New Year!